Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Zucchini spaghetti

I wanted to share what we had for dinner tonight (and yesterday too) because it was so yummy. Zucchini noodles is such a good alternative to pasta and a great way to eat more vegetables. Always a good thing to eat more vegetables right.

To make the zucchini noodles I just used a cheese slicer and started slicing strips. There are actually these vegetable spiral slicers you can buy which would make nice thin noodles, but a cheese slicer (or peeler) works just fine.

Saute the zucchini in a pan and drizzle a little olive oil and lemon on top when finished. I don't like to cook with olive oil so thats why I add the olive oil at the end.

Add some homemade sauce on top and enjoy!

P.s and dont forget the cheese on top. Cheese makes everything taste good.


1 comment:

  1. Näyttääpä hyvälle! Kun oltiin Kanadassa, ne meidän hostit teki spaghettia sellasesta kellertävästä kurpitsasta, jota ne sano 'spaghetti squashiks'. Siitä sai suoraan kaapimalla semmosta spaghetin näköstä ja oli tosi hyvää! Suomesta ei vaan taida saada sellaista, tai en oo ainakaan törmännyt. :/
