Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Zucchini spaghetti

I wanted to share what we had for dinner tonight (and yesterday too) because it was so yummy. Zucchini noodles is such a good alternative to pasta and a great way to eat more vegetables. Always a good thing to eat more vegetables right.

To make the zucchini noodles I just used a cheese slicer and started slicing strips. There are actually these vegetable spiral slicers you can buy which would make nice thin noodles, but a cheese slicer (or peeler) works just fine.

Saute the zucchini in a pan and drizzle a little olive oil and lemon on top when finished. I don't like to cook with olive oil so thats why I add the olive oil at the end.

Add some homemade sauce on top and enjoy!

P.s and dont forget the cheese on top. Cheese makes everything taste good.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Finland loving

MORO! Hello from Finland!

I have recently moved back to Oulu after 3 amazing years in Australia. I'm so excited to start and continue with my journey as I source out real, nourishing food here in northern Finland. We have just moved into our own apartment and are finally starting our life here together. It was super fun unpacking boxes and putting things away. I secretly love moving and organising things. I have so many ideas and food projects that I can't wait to start so I'll be sharing them all with you. Today I started a little sourdough starter so we'll see how that takes off. I've also got some chamomile flowers in the kitchen sitting in some water waiting to be added to my hair conditioner rinse I'm making...

Here are a few things things that I have enjoyed about being in our new home :)

Our new juicer baby (that i've been waiting for like 2 years?) WE love it!!! Fresh juices in the morning, yes please. So far I like orange+carrot. Jaakko is into apple+lemon+ginger.

 It's so nice to have our own stuff. Unpacking boxes and finding things that I have forgotten we have has been so much fun. I forgot I had all these pretty pillows i've sewn :)

Sauna time! If you can't find me I just might be sitting in here..

This is the view from one of the windows. It's a bit of a snow storm day today. But i'm loving the winter.


Love from the snowy north,
Katja x