Saturday, May 12, 2012

Essential oils


Today I made sure I bought some new batteries for my camera so I can have it ready in the kitchen to snap a picture of everything as it happens as a lot goes on around here:) And the foods I make sometimes get eaten before I have a chance to take a photo. I thought I'd share with you my latest two essential oils that I bought, tea tree and sweet orange. Essential oils are slowly joining my family and I am finding ways to use them more and more. My number one favourite way of using them at the moment is for cleaning floors. I put some hot water in a large bowl and add a few drops of an essential oil in the water and use this to wipe the floors in the bathroom and kitchen. So simple and leaves a nice scent. Another thing I'm going to do is make my own body and hair mist. I have this organic patchouli-sweet orange mist in this cute little spray bottle I bought a while ago. I looked at the ingredients and was like I bet I could make that myself! So when it is empty I'll take the bottle and fill it with some filtered water and a few drops of my own essential oils. And maybe I'll hunt down some vegetable glycerin to make it uber cool.

Over the past few years I've been moving away from using cleaning products that are toxic and contain harmful ingredients. I mean it just doesn't make sense to "clean" with toxic chemicals now does it? I've found lots of good natural non toxic products by looking around and knowing my ingredients. And I have also started making my own by using things that most of us have our kitchen. For example a few drops of essential oils in a water and white vinegar mixture makes a great all purpose cleaner. I use this for wiping cupboards, doors, getting rid of mold and and cleaning the shower. Oh, and don't forget baking soda! I love baking soda. It cleans all sorts of things and can be used for so many purposes.

If you have any ideas or ways you like to use essential oils add a comment and let us all know!

Love Katja

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